Reasons to Hire a Mobile App Developer in Malaysia

mobile app developer malaysia

According to statistics by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), There are 24.5 million of Internet users in Malaysia in 2016. Even today, this number is increasing steadily. Out of this, majority (89.4%) of internet users are using their smartphone devices to access the internet.

It is tru that the smartphone created a lot of benefits in people’s daily life. It doesn’t only make communicating, contacting, transacting more efficient but also gives opportunities for businesses to expand their reach. The internet overall, improves standard of living by creating more leisure time due to the convenience of the smartphone devices.

One of the reasons that make the smartphone popular and significant are the mobile applications. These mobile applications are the major contribution in making the smartphone user-friendly for communication, information, commercial and entertainment making the smartphone so crucial in people’s daily life.

Therefore, many big companies are now developing their own application to ease customer use and to satisfy existing customers. If you are managing your own company, maybe you should consider hiring an app developer Malaysia. You can look for a mobile app developer in Malaysia to get some ideas on what apps are suitable for your business. Here are some reasons you should know about developing the mobile app in Malaysia. To know more about Android app development, read “How can an Android Mobile Developer in Malaysia Help your Business?”

1. The message can be delivered more effectively

Your advertising message can effectively reach out your target audience. This is because users who are using your mobile app are usually your target audience. Thus, you can avoid the extra costs of marketing by directly targeting your audience.

mobile app developer in malaysia

That said, keep in mind that your app’s main goal is to make it more convenient for your users. It is highly advised not to add excessive advertisement on mobile app. Try to avoid pop-up ads that force users to watch your advertisement. This can be irritating for users and may do more harm than good.

A great way to send your message across to your users is by using the opt-in method. This method allows the users to choose whether to receive your advertising message or not. To make it more interesting and improve click-through-rates, you can give some rewards for the users who watch your ads such as points reward to redeem things.

2. Compete with your competitors

Nowadays many businesses have started investing in the mobile app. Not to mention that your competitors might be investing in it as well, as they foresee the trend in the future is moving to the mobile site.

Your competitors are taking all the competitive advantage if they are inventing the mobile app and you are not. As the customers nowadays prefer using the mobile app to access to all kind of things. So, creating a mobile app can create a competitive advantage to compete with your competitors in Malaysia.

You can find a mobile app developer Malaysia to create an attractive app to grab your customers’ attention. This is because the mobile app developer in Malaysia has more expertise in the technology field than you do. Outsourcing to them is the best way for you.

3. Location-based marketing

If you ever use any mobile navigation app, for sure you will encounter with ‘promotion deal nearby,’ that asking you to grab the promotion deal. This is because the mobile app allows you to track the mobile location access.

mobile app development malaysia

Location-based marketing aka LMS is a form of direct marketing strategy. It uses the mobile location access to notify the users about the nearby promotion deal and encourage them to grab it. There are a lot of benefits you can enjoy from the location-based marketing but the ultimate benefit is that you’ll be able to increase your sales. This is because when your app users are nearby the locations, you can offer them the special deals. Such as the discount, cross-selling and up-selling the product and services to encourage them to grab that opportunity. From there, you can lead them and close the sales. As people like reward and promotion, hence, they are less likely to feel interrupted when showing these types of ads.

4. Higher customer engagement

As mentioned, users who download your mobile app are usually your target customer. With the mobile appyou can enhance the customer engagement rate by ease the customer to keep in touch with you. It is easier for you to interact with your customer through a mobile app as they require clicking the app downloaded on the mobile devices.

The users in your mobile app are not just your customer, but they can be part of your community as well. You can request the mobile app developer in Malaysia to implement interactive features. It will allow your users to comment, post, share and give feedback to you and other users just like how the social media platform is doing.

5. Cultivate customer loyalty

The mobile app allows you to stay close and connected with your target customer. In this marketing clutter environment is it hard to keep the customer aware and even harder to keep your customer stay loyal to your brand.

Howeveryou can increase your customer loyalty by creating a closer relationship with your customers. Think of it; people nowadays spend most of their time in using their smartphone devices, you can have the chance to keep the customer aware of you through the mobile app.

You can occasionally notify your app user who has become less often in using your mobile app through the notification system that will get your users’ attention. Besides, for your loyal customers who constantly use your mobile app, you can personalize the exclusive deals for the user to appreciate their loyalty.


Don’t Worry, Mobile App Developer in Malaysia is Here

If the reasons stated above interest you towards investing in developing the mobile app but have no idea where to start with, don’t worry! Cleverus Consulting is one of the top mobile app developers in Malaysia which will assist you in developing your mobile application. Aside from that, we also offer other services that might interest you such as SEO, web designs, influencer marketing and more. If you have more inquiries, feel free to CONTACT US or call us at +603 9054 3113.


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